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Zyanya Plants



Regular price $61.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $61.00 USD
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The money tree, also known as Pachira aquatica, is a tropical evergreen tree with the following characteristics:
Appearance: The money tree has a braided trunk made of several smaller trunks woven together. The trunk is covered in rough, corky bark. The leaves are shiny, bright green, and palmately compound, meaning they have a central stalk with several leaflets radiating out from it. The leaves are usually divided into 5 to 7 leaflets. 
Flowers: The money tree produces large, showy flowers with long, narrow petals that open like a banana peel. The flowers are greenish-yellow or cream-colored, and resemble shaving brushes. 
Fruit: The money tree produces oval, brown fruits that contain nuts, which are sometimes used as a cocoa substitute. 

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